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Participant's Information:


This program is continuous and therefore your child will automatically be re-enrolled each session, UNLESS we are notified PRIOR to the start date. After the start date, you will be responsible for the session fee. ALL MEMBERS MUST KEEP A CREDIT CARD ON FILE. If check or cash payment is not received by week 1, Cartwheel Connection will charge the card on file. 

Expiration Date:

With this signature, I grant Cartwheel Connection, LLC, permission to process payment for Cartwheel Connection's tuition on the first week of each session plus a $4.75 processing fee. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Cartwheel Connection if I do NOT want my child to participate in classes PRIOR to the first week of the new session or I will be held responsible for the full cost. (Continuous Enrollment DOES NOT apply to school age children.)

OTC Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizers are considered to be over the counter (OTC) medication. This form is notification that your child will be required to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the bus, after removal of shoes and again prior to returning to school. Due to the nature of our mobility, lack of water, and that we serve multiple schools, hand sanitizer will be a requirement for participants. 

Cartwheel Connection Waiver

& Photo Release

Waiver, Hold Harmless and Photography Release:

I understand that any physical activity carries the risk of physical harm. I am fully aware and appreciate the risks, including the risk of catastrophic injury, paralysis, and even death, as well as damages and losses associated with participation in gymnastics activities and events. On behalf of my minor child, and myself I assume the risk, that my child(ren) could suffer injury as of result of participation in The Cartwheel Connection, LLC. I hereby release The Cartwheel Connection, LLC, its owners and it’s employees from any liability arising out of injuries to my child(ren) in the event of accident or injury. 

I understand that gymnastics instruction involves kinetic correction that WILL include physically touching the participant(s) as a regular class work to insure the safety of the participant(s). I assume the risk and agree that The Cartwheel Connection, LLC and its RELEASEES have permission to engage in appropriate kinetic correction of the body for technical corrective purposes and safety. 

I hereby grant permission for my child(ren) to be included in photography and/or video of my child’s activities in The Cartwheel Connection, LLC. I understand that images may appear in forms such as display panels, brochures, The Cartwheel Connection website and Facebook page, newspaper or such publications and special projects such as memory books/videos. At no time will the names of the child(ren) be used in any of these sources. I agree that I am to receive no compensation for my child(ren)’s appearance and I also understand that I have no ownership rights to the photography or negatives. IF YOU PREFER YOUR CHILD(REN) NOT BE PHOTOGRAPHED, PLEASE NOTIFY US VIA EMAIL.

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